Saturday, April 01, 2006


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We also have a national day, like the americans the 4th July, or the frenchs on July 14, or the germans The day of German Unity on October 3, that commemorates the anniversary of the german reunification in 1990.In Belgium we celebrate the arrival of the first King. He swore allegiance to the constitution in the Royal Palace in Brussels on July 21 1831. This day became the Belgian national holiday.

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Before that, Belgium didn't exist and depended from Holland.But this is enough history. The first king was quite a handsome man, (as you can see) and his love life was consequently. (Interesting to read about him for those who love an agitated love life)
So of course we celebrated that all over the country and in Waterloo. On the place in front of the City hall tents were built up there with a lot to eat and to drink, (that especially) and the famous belgian beers, had no time to warm up in the glasses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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City Hall


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Ready for the celebration, a little beer and also trying out the micro

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Waiting for the opening, everthing is ready  

The red cross helpers are waiting for their first victim
I went there to take some pictures early in the morning because it was so hot (35°C in the 90 °F) That's quite unusual over here, because normally every year, since the creation of Belgium that special day it rains. That's tradition. And people are calling this "The national Rainstorm". But this year the poor people and horses in the parade, suffered from the heat and had heads like tomatoes (except the horses of course) King and Queen and the whole family sat on the tribune and sweated too, although they should always look cool.

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a little chat in the shade with little doggy

But nice places in our park invites people to look for some coolness

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The children enjoyed already the park

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Not to forget the doggies. All had been cleaned for the festivities !

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Chinese tourists walking in the souvenir shop  
In Waterloo, the poor tourists were surprised that all shops were closed and besides the place where everybody had a lot of fun, the town looked like a goast town.

So of course they all escaped to the Waterloo Lion Hill and bravely climbed up the 256 steps to the top. Of course they came down in a pittyfull state and ran over to the old bar to have something cool to drink.

Or they went in the airconditioned Souvenir shop, where you can by everything with Napoleon's head on, from thimbles till chamber pots (or almost). Of poor Wellington who winned the battle, you have to look carefully, sometimes you find something, but it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

This year the chinese discovered Napoleon. I first thought it were japonese (sorry if I am so stupid) but I were told better. That's the first time I saw chinese tourists !

So everybody enjoyed the party, laughing, drinking, dancing but only few people knew, why they celebrated just on this day ! But that doesn't matter, I personally like to party everything, even if there would be a "Devil's day", the most important thing for me is having fun !

The day ended with a marvolous firework, enjoying all the people, but frightened cats and dogs to death.

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Tourist "train" unloading a group of tourists, ready to climb on the hill

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all you can buy

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Books, postures etc

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if you want a uniform for going out tonight ?

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Coronation of his wife Josephine

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Don't need a canon for your garden ?


Kuan Gung said...

Nice post...great pictures...

Horatio Pepperwell, Post Captain said...

dammit! this is a GREAT couple of blogs you have here. i just saw your cat blog and loved it too, but this one is more my timbre. i am still in my 20s and haven't traveled too much yet, but a recent Europe trip in Germany, Benelux, switz. really help your blog ring true for me. love it- keep it up.


About Me

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I live in Waterloo (Belgium) where Napoleon lost his battle. I am German, but have lived most of my life in Belgium. I was happily married for 54 years with and Italian, who was the love of my life. Now I am a widow.


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