Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Here is a map of the whole tour and how it started.

After Amsterdam we had a quite long drive to Copenhagen, with real fantastic views, before  we crossed Europe's longest bridge The Oresund Bridge which is an approximately 16 km long road and rail link between Sweden and Denmark.

When we arrived in the Copenhagen, we made a tour of the city, and our tour leader showed us highlights of the city, including the parliament house, Tivoli, town hall, Rosenborg, and the little mermaid statue. I took a lot of photos, but unfortunately I don't always remember what building or place it was. At least it gives an overlook of the city and for me personally good memories of my short visit in Copenhagen, one of the largest cities in northern Europe.

From the city itself I liked  Nyhaven the best. Old colored houses are just so cheerful and there were so many restaurants and also an entertainment district, which I haven't seen. We had a wonderful meal there, in one of the colored restaurants. We could sit outside, the weather was a dream, we were so lucky to have the hottest summer ever in Copenhagen.

The house where Christian Andersen the famous Danish writer lived.

There are about 20 bridges or more in Copenhagen !

A quite special architecture

We saw the Church of our Lady behind the place

We had not enough time for a sightseeing

But I think we saw enough to give us an idea about this city !

It's said that Denmark is the city of bicycles. I don't agree, I think it's still the Netherlands. In Copenhagen no bicycle did bother me, the people were all very polite and paid very much attention to the pedestrians and in general didn't disturb anybody. While in Amsterdam all tourist guides inform you to be careful with the bikers they drive without looking around and ran you over if necessary !

These yellow houses is Nyboder a historic district of former Naval barracks in Copenhagen, for housing the personnel of the rapidly growing Royal Danish Navy and their families during that time.

On our way to

The mermaid ! So well known and so tiny ! You have to look twice to find her.

Our tour ended at the Danish Play House, where our bus picked us up !

more participants here


Anonymous said...

It looks to be a nice city, perhaps a little like Amsterdam but even grander and much more colourful. We too were given the warning about bicycles in Amsterdam. You were lucky with the weather. Like the mermaid, isn't your pissing boy quite small.

Lady Fi said...

Fabulously colourful!

William Kendall said...

Somewhere in all of that would be the Ordrupgaard. They exhibited some of their paintings this past summer at our National Gallery.

Aditya Narayan Mohanty said...

Lovely boat capture . Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.

Little Wandering Wren said...

I'm singing along "wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen". Looks a great place I hope to get there one day :)
Wren x

Murthy K v v s said...

Really great pictures.Have a nice time.

Photo Cache said...

These architectural eye candies make my mouth water.

Worth a Thousand Words

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I love the bold colors of the buildings there. I wonder why modern buildings aren't like that anymore. I want to go to Copenhagen now. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Lydia C. Lee said...

I loved Copenhagen. We had such a good time. That bridge is quite amazing. We went to Malmo for lunch...

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It looks a very clean and bright city. Even the Army Barracks are brightly painted, usually here they are gray or yukky green. surprised me that the mermaid statue is tiny!


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I live in Waterloo (Belgium) where Napoleon lost his battle. I am German, but have lived most of my life in Belgium. I was happily married for 54 years with and Italian, who was the love of my life. Now I am a widow.


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