Tuesday, December 15, 2009

BRUSSELS - Christmassy Shopping Mall

As it was still raining in Belgium I decided to go to the other big shopping mall in Brussels, which is on the east side and is called Woluwé Shopping Center. I

It was around 10 am, just when the mall opened but there were already quite some people there and when I left it was more or less full !

The center part of the Shopping mall from outside

and inside the ceiling is out of glass and has palm trees growing underneath. Of course the whole mall was decorated for Christmas

Not quite my taste

It's never too early to have a glass of champagne

there was even Australian ice cream

"Zen Attitude" invites for eating and drinking

last minute gift stand

fashion jewelery

a little rest to chat

another place to eat

Italian ice cream

fresh orange juice

a butchery which sold also sandwiches

the famous Belgian Chocolates

and of course an Italian shop which is a "take away" at the same time.

I really liked the decoration of this year.


Sylvia K said...

WOW! What a terrific mall, Gattina! I would love to love myself there for a day -- or two or three! Marvelous captures!

Have a great week!


Martha Z said...

Interesting, it could be a mall in the US but then, our mall is owned by Australians.

Loree said...

A beautiful mall. I especially like the thought of the Chocolatier :)

LadyFi said...

Christmas lights, palm trees and chocolate - everything a girl needs in a mall!

Rajesh said...

Wow!, mall is already decorated beautifully and has a festive look.

Anonymous said...

How cool that is. So festive :) I like the fish :)

Indrani said...

All decorated so beautifully. Great festive mood all around.

Tinsie said...

Looks like you're ready for Xmas!

Melli said...

I was in MY mall this weekend - and it's a HUGE mall - and I took my camera so that I could take some pictures of OUR decorations... and what I noticed was that our MALL is hardly decorated at all! Your malls in BELGIUM are FAR more decorated than our mall in Annapolis! I might drive over to Waldorf to see my OTHER mall later this week. But the mall in Annapolis didn't even have a TREE! A few garlands with lights, and some wreaths. That was all! And even where Santa sat this year was not decorated like it usually is. I was shocked! This is lovely!

Dirkjogt said...

You took a lot of pictures! Great to see the christmas decoration

Jientje said...

You've outdone yourself Gattina! So many beautiful pictures, you really had fun with that camera, did you?

By the way, this mall really looks an awful lot like the one in Wijnegem!

İlhami Uyar said...

I dont intend so much inconvience but I have to ask this guestıon,you and your families were visit your countrıes and another part of the wörld,I m wöry where do you find so much energy?I wish you and yours all family members long life and healt life,best wishes and love.I want to see nice landscapes yours blog everytime.

Dr.John said...

I loved your pictures. It looks like a great mall. It has a Candy Palace and a Chocolate Place. Who could ask for more?

Oman said...

the holidays presents a wonderful opportunity to shop. i think i have window shopped a few items here in your posts. thanks.

Decor To Adore said...

I used to live in Germany and loved to visit Brussels. Thank you for the happy memories.

EG CameraGirl said...

WOW! Looks like you could purchase just about anything here!

GMG said...

Hi Gattina! Looking at the shoes of the people around, it must have been before the snow started falling... We don't have snow, but the rain is icy cold... ;))

Time to relax with a visit to a museum? Blogtrotter is at the British! Enjoy and have a great holiday season!

Al said...

Australian icecream?
That is not any brand we have here.
What is it witchety grub or emu flavoured?
Maybe it's made from Aussie milk?
It is funny, here the big sellers are "Italian Gelato" and "Norwegian" (Norgen Vaas).
I recall in Germany seeing ads for cigarettes where the selling point was that they were "the most popular smoke in Australia".

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the pictures! I am greek, I lived in the area for three years, I often visited Woluwe shopping center and today with you I visited it again. I do love Brussels!


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I live in Waterloo (Belgium) where Napoleon lost his battle. I am German, but have lived most of my life in Belgium. I was happily married for 54 years with and Italian, who was the love of my life. Now I am a widow.


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