Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We spent Christmas this year in Malmedy in the Belgian Ardennes, which had quite a sad role in WW II especially for the American army. But today it is a wonderful holiday place, in summer for hiking and in winter for snow sports.

On Christmas Eve day, we walked down to Malmedy. It had snowed and the landscape looked very pretty.

My son with DIL and MIL

We went through the woods and sometimes the way was quite slippery.

Then we arrived in Malmedy

which was nicely decorated for Christmas

There also was an ice skating place for everybody, which my son and dog Jersey inspected.

The big Christmas tree in the middle of Malmedy

Nicely decorated windows

the barmaid in the Pub where we had a hot drink, was already dressed for Christmas Eve

the whole town was decorated with cats !

small and big once

nearly at each corner ! They probably did it for me !

But there was also a funny Christmas tree with CDs as ornaments, outside a computer shop.


Sylvia K said...

What a fun trip! And thanks for taking us along with your wonderful photos! I love all the cats and I bet they did do that just for you, Gattina! What a lovely place! Looks as though you had a lot of fun! Wishing you a very Happy New Year! Enjoy!


Jim said...

Fantastic winter scenes.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

LadyFi said...

Christmas cats! Too funny. Looks like an attractive town... chilly too to get you into the Christmas mood.

Pierre van Eck said...

Congratulations on some fine photos and a truly fascinating Blog ... I've added you to my Blogroll and will be back for more! Perhaps you may wish to also share your travel experiences at trivago?
Kind regards from Cape Town,

Lianne said...

it looks like a beautiful white christmas!

happy holidays :)


diane b said...

It looks a charming place, both the town and in the hills where your son lives. The cats are terrific, they must have known you were coming. I like the big ONES too.

Rajesh said...

Awesome snaps of the place. The decorations as well as snow clad landscape is beautiful.
My World @ Jaaisalmer, Golden City

Regina said...

Great place and shots.
Cheers for the New Year!


storyteller said...

I appreciate the 'virtual' tour of this historical spot all decked out for the holidays. LOVE those colorful CATS! I'm sharing a bit of My World this week too.
Hugs and blessings,

Erin said...

enjoyed the post so very much and of course the christmas cats caught my eye.

yes malmedy was known for the massacre of many Americans during WWII...part of the battle of the bulge campaign. and this is the time of the year that the battle was going on so very long ago. my aunt lost her boyfriend in the battle of the bulge.

have a healthy and prosperous 2010!

DianeCA said...

The whole town was decorated with cats!! They must indeed have known you were coming! Looks like a charming town, and how lucky indeed to have a white christmas this year. Hope you have a wonderful holiday and a happy New Year!

Dr.John said...

AS usual I enjoyed the tour. Glad you hqad a good Christmas.

İlhami Uyar said...

I wish hapy years with all family members.Regards.

GMG said...

Hi Gattina! It looks a lovely place, but I think I would prefer it without the snow;

Blogtrotter has reached the January 2009 trips! Not bad; just one year delay... ;)
Enjoy and enter 2010 in great shape! Wish you all the best for the New Year!!!

Vlado&Toni said...

wow, that's very unusual to have cats as Christmas decorations. i really wonder why they did that - aside from the fact that of course they made it for you :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Gracie said...

They surely knew about you being in town! Thanks for posting pics of Malmedy, such good memories.....


About Me

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I live in Waterloo (Belgium) where Napoleon lost his battle. I am German, but have lived most of my life in Belgium. I was happily married for 54 years with and Italian, who was the love of my life. Now I am a widow.


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