Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Land's End is mainland Britain’s most south-westerly point and one of the country’s most famous landmarks. From the 61 m (200 ft) high granite cliffs that rise out of the Atlantic Ocean you can gaze across to the Longships Lighthouse, the Isles of Scilly 45 km (28 miles) away and beyond that, America. For that you have to have eagle eyes !

The closest village is Sennen, a parish in Penzance district. The village stands 118 m (387 ft) above sea-level, 1.6 km (1 mile)of Lands-End, and has an inn, called the First and Last inn in England. Salt-works were here, but have been discontinued but fishing is largely carried on. Even the Romans who preceded me wherever I go were here, because Roman coins were found in 1807.

Land's End itself is not a town or village but rather a former small holding which now has a hotel, exhibition halls featuring the area’s role in air sea rescue, a 4D cinema, play areas for the kids, Greeb Farm with its collection of small animals, speciality shops and working craftsmen which made me think of a kind of Disney World.

Fortunately there is a coastal footpath for visitors wishing to just enjoy the stunning natural landscape.

The entrance to the Tourist area

I didn't stay there very long, just walked around and then had enough. I prefer nature !

From this point people could have taken pictures with their home town written on the photo and the km or miles distance. I thought I can google the distance from Waterloo to Land's End.

Just before the entrance, there were stones standing around a little bit like a small Stonehenge.

Between the stones stood little historical house replicas

The land around looked beautiful !

From far I saw the island with the lighthouse

and then came pure nature !

I found a stone to sit on and remained there for a while just enjoying this gorgeous landscape.

People were walking around the end ! Unfortunately it was a little cool and very windy.


eastcoastlife said...

A pretty little town that would lose the quietness if there are too many tourists. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the replica houses. I imagine the wind blows fairly constantly at Lands End.

Linens and Royals said...

Nice scenery but too open and windy for me, I'd be looking for the nearest teashop.
I do have a photo from years ago taken with my family at Land's End underneath a sign with an arrow pointing down and stating how many miles to Australia.

Jo said...

At school, I was not good at Geography (Grant says it's still dicey with me, LOL) so I took German instead. I liked it more - but now you make Geography so interesting, I actually enjoyed this post tremendously. I also love nature, so apart from the red pillar boxes in one photo, I LOVED the small stonehenge type stones and the dangerous cliffs! Thanks for sharing. Jo

Molly said...

I think it is always windy at this spot from what I have heard


Billy Blue Eyes said...

That place has changed since I was there last but no doubt they are still only too happy to rip you off

Fun60 said...

Like you I much prefer the rugged coastal path than the tourist side of Land's End.

Barb said...

The landscape at Lands End is very, very lovely with the rocky cliffs, the greenery and the sea. I love the lichen covered boulders.

Anita Sabat said...

Thanks for visiting my Blog, Gattina!
Lovely to see such pretty pics.
You have travelled to so many places!
Do plan a trip to Incredible India too.
Best wishes :)"


About Me

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I love writing, traveling and photography. . I am German, i live in Waterloo (15 km from Brussels) / Belgium since many years. Waterloo is a famous place to many tourists, because Napoleon lost his battle here against Wellington and other European countries.


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