Saturday, August 23, 2008


Every two years in August a wonderful flower carpet is displayed on the Grand' Place, the market square of Brussels.

For just three days you can admire this exceptional and ephemeral creation.

There are tourists from all over the world who come to see the flower carpet. Therefore I went very early to be able to take some pictures. At 7.15 I was there and Japonese tourists too ! Of course the cafés around the place were still closed.

And here are the pictures I took this morning.

Each Sunday there is also a flower market on this place

This last picture I was able to take from the balconee of a café which had just opened

The nice inside of the café

and it's terrace

The owner was so kind to invite me to the first floor, where of course I had a nice overlook. Some tourists arrived quickly to have their breakfast or a cup of coffee.

Officially, the first Floral Carpet as its present-day form was created in 1971 on the Grand-Place by the landscape architect E. Stautemans. I showed the flower carpet of 2006 here

If you want to read more about the history and see pictures from the years before please go here.


Peter said...

Truly beautiful Gattina, thank you so much for directing me here.

Puss-in-Boots said...

That is absolutely beautiful, Gattina. What a lot of work for the designer.

Anonymous said...

Awwww Gattina - thanks for sharing! You know I'm often in Brussels and can tell I just have to go there in August once too :-)

Scylla said...

This is amazing Gattina! Thank you so much for getting it on film and sharing it with us. I had no idea, no concept at all, that someone could make an oriental carpet out of flowers.

It's amazing.

Anonymous said...

C'est incroyable, de toute beauté! Un véritable tapis persan et quelle belle architecture tout autour!
Et encore un grand merci à notre meilleure reporter qui s'est levée bien tôt pour nous offrir ce magnifique tableau vu sous de nombreux angles!

Bravo bravo

Melli said...

Oh DEAR! Now I will have to wait at LEAST two more years before I come to Belgium! THIS is gorgeous Gattina! And how wise of you to get there sO early to get such a great view! WOW! Just amazing!

Charlotte said...

Wow! How I wish there had been flowers like this when I was there. The buildings were impressive enough, but Wow!

Junebug said...

You have taken beautiful pictures of this flower carpet. It is incredible! I can only hope someday to come visit Brussels and see this myself! :D You are a good ambassador.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!


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The last chapter of a young adventurous woman, hidden in an old grandma's body, living in a castle, a senior residence, where she leads an amusing and interesting life with her cat.


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