Tuesday, February 19, 2019


I was looking for a park not too far from my home, to have a little walk in a nice place. I discovered one I had never heard of and of course my friend and I went there to enjoy the early spring weather in February. It's a small park covering an area of 4.5 hectares (11 acres) , dated from the late nineteenth century. At that time, the garden was smaller and consisted of a castle, a large driveway and some massif trees. After a period of abandonment, the castle was demolished in 1957 and the town acquired the park in 1964. I tried to find at least an old picture of the castle,  but it had simply disappeared from history, as so many mansions and castles in the 50/60 !

The only building was at the entrance maybe responsible of the park is living in here.

There is also a big playground for kids 

and also animals

This one hoped for food, but it was not allowed to feed them ! We only saw swans, ducks, and chicken, the other animals were probably still in the stables, because there should be donkeys and a llama. Normally we don't have 15° in February !

The whole park consists of a mixed wood including maple, ash, oak, hazel, remarkable chestnut trees as well as a giant sequoia. With its 4.89 meters circumference, it would be the largest specimen located on the territory of Uccle and is among the 10 most beautiful in the Brussels region.

a pond with swans and (invisible) ducks

and a "left over" of the castle park

We saw the first snowdrops !

Spring was in the air that day, I have to return in summer with my grandson !

more participants here



DUTA said...

Parks are always welcome; they are the 'green lungs' of the city. I like the pictures of the pond, the barren trees, and the house at the entrance. Nice walk, indeed!

wisps of words said...


I saw your comment on "Mama's Merchantile" blog, and was thrilled with it!!!! We agree!!!! We do not return to a blog _twice_, to read possible replies, to comments. Takes too much time!

It seems, I am the only one, who has this view!

But you have it too.

So I had to pop over and tell you Thank You! :-))))

How ever did this crazy idea, that we have to reply to every, every, every comment on our blogs, start???? Oh I know how! When blogs put in, the ability to do so, easily. And like lemmings, so many bloggers "jumped on the band wagon."

And when enough did, everyone felt they had to, too!

-sigh- The way of life, in the modern world. Follow. Follow. Follow.

OK, I spouted off long enough. -grin- But had to tell you, thank you. For being someone, who agrees with me, and does her blogging, the same way. (The Old Fashioned Way)

Happy Full Super Snow Moon!

Lady Fi said...

Looks lovely! Nearly spring...

Loree said...

It's a beautiful park. It's such a pity they demolished the castle. Here they are going through a phase of demolishing many houses, some of them very beautiful. It's so sad :(

KB said...

I'd love to spend some time there

William Kendall said...

Quite an inviting place to explore.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love the park and green spaces. Always something to see and enjoy. Cute duck. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead!


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The last chapter of a young adventurous woman, hidden in an old grandma's body, living in a castle, a senior residence, where she leads an amusing and interesting life with her cat.


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