Tuesday, November 11, 2014


November 11, 2014

Together with my family we visited the "Autoworld" Exhibition in the Arcade du Cinquantenaire which is a monumental triple arch in the center of the Cinquantenaire park in Brussels. It is topped by a bronze quadriga sculptural group with a woman charioteer, representing Brabant raising the national flag. The sidewalls feature personifications of Belgian provinces: Brabant being represented by the quadriga, East Flanders, West Flanders, Antwerp, Liège, Hainaut, Limburg, Namur and Luxembourg. Twelve spandrels are decorated with allegories of Arts and Industry. This park was created in 1880 and built by King Leopold II to celebrate Belgian's fifty years of independence. Eight statues of women, symbolising the provinces surround it, the two Flanders being represented by a single statue. Inside the building you can visit, the Royal Army and Military History Museum and Autoworld as permanent exhibitions.

The top of the Arcade

The "Cinquantenaire"

and its statues

Looking up the arcade

The aisles are decorated with frescos

On one side you have a wonderful view on the Avenue de Tervueren

and on the other side to Brussels

The Cinquantenaire Arcade is surrounded by a beautiful park, called Park du Cinquantenaire

At the entrance of the Autoworld exhibition an old police car was exposed

We arrived in this enormous hall created by Victor Horta who was a Belgian architect and designer. It is said that he was "undoubtedly the key European Art Nouveau architect." Horta is considered one of the most important names in Art Nouveau architecture.

The stuffed giraffe is momentarily "on holidays" in the Autoworld exhibition, because the African museum is being renovated.

My little grandson was excited to see all these cars and I choose a model which I wished I would have !


There were all kind of cars from the very beginning of the Automobile history

an overview from the second floor

A Royal carriage was also exposed, unfortunately I couldn't find nowhere on the net, when it had been used for the last time !


chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com said...

Impressive architecture! I have heard of Horta but never visited Brussels ...yet.Only passed because the weather was never inviting!

Fun60 said...

There seems so much to see. Such impressive sculptures and architecture.

Anonymous said...

Clearly one should not judge Brussels from Place Victor Horta outside Brussels Midi Station.

Uppal said...

OMG, such diversity and grandeur in the architecture. The world is beautiful indeed !

lotusleaf said...

Grand! The motorcars of early 1900s are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots of the exhibition and park!

noodlecat said...

Lovely photos!

Noodle and crew ( Victoria )

Astridka said...

Danke für deinen netten Kommentar bei mir! So habe ich her gefunden und einen schönen Ausflug durch Brüssel gemacht. War zuletzt Ostern 2012 dort ( und lange gab es in meinem Header ein Foto der Familie auf dem Grand Place ). Besonders die Comicfiguren haben mir sehr gefallen, denn es sind fast alles Lieblinge...

Viera said...

Brussels is a nice vcity with a beautiful architecture... As I can see it is a many places there which I've not visited... Thanks for sharing...

Gracie said...

The place is awesome! Thank you for sharing.

Linda said...

Beautiful series of photos.

Jen said...

I am always fascinated by such enduring architecture. We have nothing (man-made)so ancient here.

Jaśmin said...



About Me

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I love writing, traveling and photography. . I am German, i live in Waterloo (15 km from Brussels) / Belgium since many years. Waterloo is a famous place to many tourists, because Napoleon lost his battle here against Wellington and other European countries.


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