Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The abattoir of Brussels Anderlecht, is an outstanding example of industrial architecture of the 19th century.

An overview of the whole complex, where cattle was sold, and also slaughtered.
Fortunately today no animal is sold or slaughtered here anymore. The conditions must have been horrible.

The father of my best friend was the the director of the abattoir and is on this picture. It must date from the  30th.

The construction of the foundations are four meters (13 ft)  deep, forming vast vaulted cellars, known today as the Caves of Kuregem, they served for stocking the meat to keep it fresh and also for cultivation of mushrooms. Today it contains a restaurant and event rooms.

The large metal hall built over these cellars measures 100 square meters (1076 square ft), and was designed by the architect Emile Tirou. The roof of the structure is supported by hundreds of cast-iron columns.

How it looked in the past

and today

The main entrance is decorated with two huge cast bronze bulls from the sculptor Isidore Bonheur who did the same bulls at the Abattoir of Paris. Different buildings are built around the hall which opened in 1890. The presence of the slaughterhouse energizes the neighborhood encouraging the creation of many activities, such as tanneries and food companies.

In 1920, the management of the slaughterhouse was taken over by the municipality of Anderlecht. Following major economic problems, the site was sold in 1980 to a cooperative society of traders and slaughterers and was modernized. The great hall was listed in 1988.

Today it is a huge market on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. No animals are sold here anymore but fruits, vegetables, clothes, shoes, leather goods, and other stuff.

There are restaurants and snacks all around

I have never seen so many butcheries on one spot in my whole life, but also fish shops.

On the street opposite the market there again is one butchery after the other ! You have the choice !


diane b said...

Looks like a great place to pick up some quality foods especially meat. It is good to see these lovely old buildings still being used

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the space being put to a better and more humane use.

The Artful Diva said...

Wonderful photos and interesting history lesson too.

Katrin said...

Such a beautiful building - despite of the butcheries. Great photos!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful historical post and gorgeous photos! for OWT

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Happy Day to you!

Linda said...

This is such a lovely place, Gattina! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

Louisette said...

Superbes photo Gattina

Catherine said...

Such a magnificent structure... reminds me of the Paris train stations :)

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! It's very interesting to see your post. It looks very fun to go there now. Thanks for sharing.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is one heck of a big place with a lot of history

Jen said...

I could spend hours in a place like that. Much more interesting than our grocery stores.


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I love writing, traveling and photography. . I am German, i live in Waterloo (15 km from Brussels) / Belgium since many years. Waterloo is a famous place to many tourists, because Napoleon lost his battle here against Wellington and other European countries.


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