Tuesday, July 02, 2013


During the weekend of June 22/23 the yearly meeting and battle reconstitution of the Waterloo battle took place once again. This time I wanted to visit the Wellington's and his alleys camp (English, Scottish, Dutch and Prussians) near the Waterloo

It was set up in the Hougoumont Farm orchard, Braine-l’Alleud. The farm is in renovation for the 200th anniversary in 2015 of the battle, after having been neglected for years and therefore became nearly a ruin. The chapel mentioned in Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables" is still destroyed and should be repaired by then too. Waterloo's mayor got it ! The historical places bring money from tourists !

Fortunately I had put adequate shoes on, because the way from the farm to the camp apparently hasn't changed in almost 200 years either. Only then the soldiers didn't arrive by car.

The camp with all the white tents and women cooking on open fire.

Then the alleys got together

Britains' General Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo in 1915, a painting by Robert Alexander Hillingford

and Wellington in 2013

When everybody was standing in line a general read a text to "Wellington"

They then marched towards me and I had to jump aside.

I admired the Scottish soldiers in their kilts (and later I saw two in Waterloo shopping in the supermarket)

The English soldiers

This is a great opportunity for tourists to get to know groups of re-enactors, have them explain the bivouacs, weapons and equipment, help to prepare meals and experience day-to-day camp life: gunfire, cannons, parades, changing of the guard and patrols.

Behind the tents which houses the horses I saw the Lion of Waterloo sitting on his hill ! The horses were beautiful.

On Sunday a parade with all soldiers (around 600) took place on Waterloo's main street. Unfortunately it rained that much, that I only waited for the French whom I hadn't seen yet.

They were the first once to march in

and were dismissed to wait for the others, so they tried to find some shelter from the rain and had their first beer, although the tent says Coca Cola !

While in 1815 the scenery was quiet different. Here is Napoleon on his white horse.

You can read more about the battle here


A Lady's Life said...

So interesting isn't it?

RNSANE said...

What a wonderful way to spend the day. History is always so much more interesting, I think, when one can experience it in this fashion. I thoroughly enjoyed your photography and presentation!!!

My "Our World Tuesday" is at:


Fun60 said...

That really is bringing history to life. What a pity it rained.

Anonymous said...

Love the sense of history!

Anonymous said...

I still remember how sweaty I was after climbing the stairs of Le Bout du Lion!

jabblog said...

Very colourful but a shame about the weather.
We live not far from Stratfield Saye, Wellington's home. His horse is buried in the grounds.

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com said...

It looks very wet! But must have been a great experience!

eileeninmd said...

Wow what a great post? It is cool to see history brought to life! I loved the photos!

Anonymous said...

Amazing reenactment of this historical event. You live in a fascinating place!

Anonymous said...

Amazing reenactment of this historical event. You live in a fascinating place!

Gale said...

I really enjoyed this post. I'm a history fan but don't know much about this. We had some re-enaction going on a smaller scale at my church that I got to take place in this month (we recreated "Rome" for our kids to experience how life was for the early Christian church. Love things like that.

If you're looking for another place to link-up, I'd love it if you'ld join me on Wherever Wednesday...

Jeannie Marie said...

I would love to be at a re-enactment! I really enjoy your blog...I'm now your newest follower!


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The last chapter of a young adventurous woman, hidden in an old grandma's body, living in a castle, a senior residence, where she leads an amusing and interesting life with her cat.


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