Tuesday, February 17, 2015


 February 17, 2015

I visited this museum which I had never seen when my son and grandson were on visit. 

Between 1889 and 1891, the museum moved into a former convent. The building quickly became too narrow, and the director at the time asked the architect Charles-Émile Janlet the construction of a new south wing. The works began in 1898 and ended in October 1905.

In 1950, several modern buildings were added to accommodate new exhibition halls and reserves, as well as premises for the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences. Today it is the biggest museum of this kind after London and Paris.

The view from outside. Behind the glass vault is the roof of the European Parliament

A dinosaur greeted us at the entrance. It still was wearing a Father Christmas hat !

Then we went down to see the dinosaurs skeletons

They were so huge ! just amazing ! An elephant would look like a mouse besides them

The bone of a leg

A smaller one

Dinosaurs nest with eggs and babies

Then we went up to see the mammals

But first there was a mammuth skeleton

an elephant

and an over thousand years old turtle, exactly as it was found. Apparently it was surprised by sand or water and didn't even have time to hide its head.

An overview of the big mammals exhibition hall.

It was really very interesting and there were lots of educative games for children. A nice excursion to do on rainy days !

You read more about the museum here


Anonymous said...

What a fun museum!

Carver said...

Great photographic tour of the museum.

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com said...

Love the dinosaur with the christmas hat! Have a wonderful week!

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic museum and excellent photographs!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Makes me want to visit the natural history museum in London. Did yo see my blog on the Oxford museum.
Great visit you showed us this week

Billy Blue Eyes said...
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Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The very minute I saw the word dinosaur on the other blog I knew why you had visited this with your grandson. All my grandsons were fascinated with them at one time (long ago now).

eileeninmd said...

What a fun museum, I love the dinosaurs! Wonderful photos, have a great day!

Viera said...

Brussels is a lovely city...what a fantastic museum... Thanks for sharing...


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I live in Waterloo (Belgium) where Napoleon lost his battle. I am German, but have lived most of my life in Belgium. I was happily married for 54 years with and Italian, who was the love of my life. Now I am a widow.


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