Tuesday, March 10, 2015


As the sun was shining and it felt like spring I decided to go to the Waterloo Lion to see the progress of the battle field's renovation which should be finished by beginning June.

Advertising posters are showing up and tickets can be bought. The prices for the reconstitution show are not the modest once, they vary from 15,75 standing, to 38 € for seats. There will be thousands of people and Waterloo will be full of tourists.

The renovation had only progressed a bit. Now the building which replaces the beautiful old once above in the pictures is at least standing.

Honestly I preferred how it was in the past.

Huge pumps are blowing air into the building to dry it out.

The underground museum looks finished at least from outside

The access to the entrance seems to be finished too

The street from a big parking to the site is almost finished too

But around the site hasn't made any progress

The Lion untouched overlooks stoically the construction works. Many people had climbed up the 253 steps and overlooked the battle fields

There was a group of English teenagers at the entrance of the panorama

mostly English tourists were enjoying a drink on the terrace of the only restaurant which hadn't been demolished.

One of the 3 old houses which survived the reconstruction, was at least painted. The two others were still in the same sad state.

At least one of the memorials had been cleaned too.

There is still a lot to do to finish the site in 3 month ! They have to do hard working like ants !

Previous post about the renovation here


Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'm glad to see my country is not the only on eto Fu*k thinks up as far as history is concerned though we would have had preservation oders on the old houses if they were important. That is one place I would like to visit, nearest I have been in driving past to Antwerp

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blue skies! Hopefully, everything will be better once the renovation has finished.

Joyful said...

Looks like you had a wonderful day of warm weather and blue skies.

Anonymous said...

It will be all ok on the night. If Athens managed to get it together for the Olympic Games, the I am sure Waterloo will have it right for the anniversary.

Jo said...

I enjoyed the update on these reservations. But I really love your blue skies. Good on you for using the opportunity of clear weather to go out.

Photo Cache said...

Will you be back when the renovation is completed?

Mari said...

That restoration is interesting to see and probably will be more after it's completed.

Loree said...

They're getting there - slowly. It will probably look very nice once it's all done.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I hope all the crew members enjoy working under the pressure of a deadline!


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The last chapter of a young adventurous woman, hidden in an old grandma's body, living in a castle, a senior residence, where she leads an amusing and interesting life with her cat.


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