Tuesday, April 26, 2016


April 26, 2016

While I was on holidays at the French Riviera together with my friend we went to visit Marseilles, which I had never seen. To see a maximum in a little time, we took the sightseeing bus and from there I could shoot the following pictures. I won't copy and paste the history of Marseilles, you can read it here

Backdropped by the white limestone cliffs of the Calanques, its serene setting is at odds with the Arabic-style backstreets of the city centre and the boisterous bartering at the fish market.

The hub of Marseilles is the Vieux-Port, a harbour with some 2,600 years of history, and
the tree-lined central avenue of La Canebière crackles with activity day and night.

There are some hugely diverting museums and cultural sites back in the city centre, but the most of the foreign tourists prefer just settling down on a busy café terrace and watching the world go by over a glass of wine sounds appealing, you’ll be well served.

That this side of the city is so often overlooked is in part due to its historical significance as a major port and as the gateway to France’s former colony Algeria, both of which have combined to make the city extraordinarily cosmopolitan.

Today, the city’s unrivalled music and fashion industries add a dynamic flavour to the multi-ethnic mix that is layered over what is at heart, a truly French city.

We arrived at the new exhibition building, where a Picasso exhibition took place. The place was huge and rather new according to my friend, it had been part of the docklands.

We took our sightseeing bus at the old habour. We sat on the top just over the driver and had a wonderful view.

We saw a big Ferry boat  waiting for passengers and cars destination Algeria

The towers of the "Cathedral de la Major" are being renovated, underneath around the place there are cafés and restaurants.

We drove  along the docks

There were lots of cafés or restaurants side by side all along and people sat outside and enjoyed food or drink.

I found the architecture of the City Hall very beautiful

and the different styles of architecture too

Our bus took us along the seaside

Where beautiful houses and many apartments had a gorgeous look over the sea

This is the official beach of Marseilles. And despite the fact that it was still  a little cool at least for me, there  were lots of people laying on the beach and enjoying the sunshine.

The street along the sea

We approached

the "Porte de l'Oréan" (Vallon des Auffes)

and saw from far the "Rocher des pendus" which means the "Rocks of the hanged"

Overlooking whole Marseilles "Notre dame de la garde"

View over Marseilles

Marseilles had been important soap producers, so here was a museum. The soap of Marseilles is very famous around here.

There were Galleries with shopping centers and the streets very busy

Our bus took us back to the habour. The tour lasted two hours and had really been very nice. We have learned a lot because we all got a plan and earplugs where you could choose your language.

It had been a real wonderful day !


Forest Dream Weaver said...

Wow....love the intense blue sky and sea, and the clear Mediterranean light!

Anonymous said...

Marseilles is a nice soft name to say but I've always thought of it as a rough port city. Your photos show how nice it really is.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely town .. and such wonderful architecture!

Photo Cache said...

How beautiful. Reminded me of my port day in the city and we took teh HOHO bus.

Worth a Thousand Words

colleen said...

Lots of grandeur displayed. The estate on the coast is impressive!

Fun60 said...

More modern than I thought with lots to see.

Andrea said...

Thanks Gattina for that wonderful tour, at least i had a sample of what to see there, an amazing place that i will not be able to visit in this lifetime.

Gracie said...

We are thinking about going there for years, there's a train leaving from Verona that in a few hours can take you there, it's the best solution for a visit of 3/4 days, considering there you won't need a car....after your post I think I will renew the suggestion to hubby and friends...


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I love writing, traveling and photography. . I am German, i live in Waterloo (15 km from Brussels) / Belgium since many years. Waterloo is a famous place to many tourists, because Napoleon lost his battle here against Wellington and other European countries.


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