Tuesday, August 30, 2016


August 30, 2016

When I booked my tour from Eastbourne to Edinburgh, I was a little surprised that a tattoo exhibition was made there ! I hate tattoos ! But, I thought, while they are visiting the exhibition, I can visit Edinburg which I had already seen in 2013. But then I discovered that the "Tattoo" was something completely different. Fortunately I wasn't the only European who had thought the same, when I met French and Belgian people.

I can only say the show was really extremely good ! Showcasing music, dance and display from around the world, the 2016 showpiece event was set to pay tribute to The Queen's 90th birthday while celebrating 'Tunes of Glory'

With the unforgettable sight and sound of the Massed Pipes and Drums performing against the brooding backdrop of Edinburgh Castle, the spectacular production included, amongst others, the New Zealand Army Band and Lochiel Marching Drill Team, in the company of the King's Guard from Norway, the Imps Motorcycle Display Team alongside the Royal Jordanian Armed Forces Band and Drill Team. There also was an American fancy Army band with a song from Elvis Presley. So  it wasn't only backpipes playing the whole evening long. (History of the Edinburg Tattoo)

We had very good places and a very good view too.

and then it started with trumpets

The first once marching out

The tribunes were packed

and here are a few pictures I could take with my little camera

There were also girl's groups performing

and I even made this little video


Billy Blue Eyes said...

You have to love the English Language where one word can have a couple of meanings

K V V S MURTHY said...

Awesome pics depicting wonderful moments.

Jo said...

What a lovely post about this tradition. We've been to a "live" tattoo here in South Africa but yours seemed to feature many more countries than I can remember. Thanks for sharing.

Fun60 said...

It seems to be quite a spectacle. I have never been to a tattoo but have seen it on TV.

Linens and Royals said...

Love your video, what an amazing spectacle. Wish I had been there..
BUT in October I am going to a show at my local entertainment centre called "The World Famous Pipes and Drums of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards" as seen at the Edinburgh Tattoo. So I will see a little bit of the magic. Edinburgh Castle will be missing but I can't have everything.

Gracie said...

Well....better not to show you my tattoo (the real stuff....lol..)


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I love writing, traveling and photography. . I am German, i live in Waterloo (15 km from Brussels) / Belgium since many years. Waterloo is a famous place to many tourists, because Napoleon lost his battle here against Wellington and other European countries.


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