Tuesday, June 13, 2017


There was a medical flower exhibition in the Abbey of Villers la Ville . It was a beautiful day and my friend who is very interested in these kind of flowers wanted to see this exhibition.

To my surprise the Abbey entrance which had been a door, leading into a little room to buy the entrance tickets and then immediately into the ruins, had completely changed. Since June 14, 2016 there is a new one very interesting, click here New entrance and pathway

The view over the abbey which you never had before unless you would have taken an helicopter, is now there just in front of you and it is indeed very impressive 

I couldn't take pictures of the little shop and counter it was too dark, but this thick book in Latin was displayed at the entrance.

We took the lift and went to the 3rd floor where the wooden path started over the water for the mill

as you can see here

and the mill over the street down into the ruins.

A view from the path

Then we entered the

There was also a photo exhibition from about fifteen professional photographers, European (including Belgian) and African photographers. These photographers - plastic artists and / or photojournalists - tell the stories and the stakes of regions of the world unknown by their objectives.

This was my favourite picture !

It was wonderful to walk through the ruins which seem to whisper their secrets. On large grass spaces there were picnic tables for people who want to spend the whole day here.

There was also an exhibition of dolls, always the same but painted by different painters, for hospitalized children in the world.

I choose the pirate and Ilona loved this doll

After nearly 2 hours of walking around, we left and had a beer in the Brasserie opposite of the Abbey.


Jim said...

Great shots. Thanks for showing us your world.

Lady Fi said...

Wow - what a gorgeous place!

Klara said...

hmmm new things in Villers la Ville! time to revisit.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Gattina - looks wonderful and what a lovely day out ... cheers Hilary


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The last chapter of a young adventurous woman, hidden in an old grandma's body, living in a castle, a senior residence, where she leads an amusing and interesting life with her cat.


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