Tuesday, September 26, 2017


My friend Bunny (she was born at Easter) and I took the opportunity to visit the Diana Fashion Show at Kensington Palace in London. For us it is so easy to go, it takes 2 h from Brussels to London. I know Bunny since I was a young girl from 1961 on !

Our Bed and Breakfast with the posh name of "Carlton" was directly opposite King's Cross where we arrived. We left our luggage, and off we went for our London adventure.

The Kensington Palace still with some flowers and a long letter to Diana

I had seen the palace before so I only concentrated on the fashion show

The weather was sunny and the park inviting !

Then the exhibition started with portraits of Diana from when she met Charles until they divorced.

Fashion designs of different dress models were hanging on the wall

and then came all these beautiful dresses with the description when and where she had worn the dress.

She had been a real model, tall and slim and even a potato bag would have looked very elegant on her.

This was the dress she wore when she danced with John Travolta. There were still many people in the middle of the week and nearly at the end of the exhibition.

Once finished we took a double decker bus. My friend should see London from above and not as a mole in the underground.

So we took buses from one destination to the other changed, looked around and admired the architecture which we both love.

when we were in a hurry we took the tube ! That too she had to see, because the last time she had been in London was over 50 years ago, when she came here to study !

Various buses took us to Big Ben who actually gets a facelifting which should last 4 years and during this time he will remain dumb !

From the bridge we could see the old docks which had become "Little Dubai" to me and if I can I avoid this area ! Too modern for my taste.

Sir Churchill hasn't lost a kg despite the Brexit which certainly he disapproves !

The London Eye(s) watched over the tourists

Before we continued we had a well earned drink in a Pub.

The next day we wanted to see the Queen, she was there apparently, but had no time for us. So we did like all the others we looked through the grids into the cage castle.

What is sadly funny now, is that the Queen's guards are guarded by anti terrorist guards with machine guns. Looks quite impressive !

Good old Victoria still sits at the same place and looks at the crowd.

Of course we also went to Covent garden where we had a nice cup of tea and a less nice scone. It should have been called stone.

And then it was already time to return to St. Pancras and catch the Eurostar

From the Bus I saw this funny Pub

and the hairdresser !

Before we left I had my jacket potato with cheddar cheese in the only Pub which existed already when St. Pancras wasn't famous for it's Eurostar and there was nothing around.

We were in time for the train and very happy about our excursion.


Wendy said...

I bet you were exhausted when you got home. You packed a lot in.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, what a whirlwind tour!! I love the dresses.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That's London for you but a sad state of affairs when armed police guard the Palace

Anonymous said...

It is really sad to hear that the guards are now guarded by the military. A very interesting post, thanks.

mamasmercantile said...

Wow, you certainly packed a lot into your trip.

Jo said...

How this brings back memories. Remember how you and Dom "popped" over to London to meet us. Grant and I did the bus-top tour thingy as well but we haven't seen the Diana Fashion Show. I recognize the pub where you had your jacket potato; Grant and I were in that pub the night before watching a French/English soccer game with dozens of Brits I love your captions and explanations. Your manner of writing always brings a smile to my lips! Theanks!

Photo Cache said...

Oh I wanna go there.

Worth a Thousand Words

Fun60 said...

The Diana Exhibition looks good but I haven't been to see it. I always think of you when I see baked potatoes on the menu in a pub!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Loved this tour!! Thanks for taking me along ..... Everybody misses Princess Diana.

Linens and Royals said...

Why wasn't I there? I should have been there!!! What a perfect trip you had and I am so glad you shared it so I felt I was almost there.


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I live in Waterloo (Belgium) where Napoleon lost his battle. I am German, but have lived most of my life in Belgium. I was happily married for 54 years with and Italian, who was the love of my life. Now I am a widow.


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