Tuesday, October 17, 2017


17 Oct 2017

Once a year since 1965 the Palace of Brussels is open to the public after the National Holiday of 21 July until end September. There is no entrance fee, it's for everybody. I went there with my friend from France. The last time I had been there must have been in 1966 and I could hardly remember a thing. This year you were even allowed to take pictures without flash.

The Royal Palace of Brussels is the King’s administrative residence and main workplace, where he works daily with his staff. In his office at the Brussels palace, the King receives the representatives of political institutions, foreign guests (heads of state, ambassadors) and other guests. In addition to the office of the King and of the Queen, the Royal Palace plays host to the services of the King’s Household: the King’s Cabinet, the General Secretariat, the Civil List, the Military Household, the Protocol and the Queen’s Secretariat. The other members of the Royal Family also have an office at the Brussels Palace, where their staff work. The Palace comprises also prestige reception rooms where various activities of the King and the Royal Family are organised (work meetings and, receptions, concerts, lunches, etc.).

The palace from outside

And the view the Royale family has when waving from the palace to the crowd

The staircase

and then we went from room to room, beautifully decorated and all with very amazing lustres !

A little selfie

Rooms for little private receptions

Probably one King used to play piano to make a break

The picture on the wall shows the very first Belgian King, a German prince

Probably the King's desk

In one room an exhibition took place of the paintings of the actual King Philips uncle, his father's brother. He kind of was always hidden from the people and I didn't even know that he was a painter and he painted real well. But King Philip apparently loved this uncle and for the first time showed his works

I even found "Stonehenge"

The parquet in all rooms was just amazing made out of different kind of woods

The ceiling covered with scarab wing cases

and the lustre

This very special room,  under the reign of Leopold II, evokes the Congo. The walls are decorated with marble and copper. King Albert I had the works completed with mirrors on the walls,
Looking at it, Heaven of Delight looks like a beautiful painting, but in reality, it’s made out of one million six hundred thousand jewel-scarab wing cases !!!!

In the 19th century, it was customary for the king of Belgium to give a space in the Royal Palace to contemporary artists. This tradition died with King Leopold II, in 1909. Fortunately, Queen Paola is an art enthusiast and decided to revive the custom by commissioning an artwork by artist Jan Fabre.

With the help of 29 young artists, Fabre created Heaven of Delight, a fresco in the Hall of Mirrors, completely out of the glowing shells of jewel-scarabs. It contains various shapes that glow in a greenish-blue light, depending on the angle from which they are viewed.

Jewel-beetles are not a protected species so it was easy to gather them from countries like Thailand, where they are eaten as a delicacy, and use them for his Heaven of Delight. This masterpiece can be admired in the Royal Palace of Brussels

Another "little" room

and so many lustres sparkling in the rooms !

I nearly twisted my neck when I looked up to admire the ceilings !

These are ornaments, a clock, a statue, the highest order and a doorknob.

If you want to read more detailed about each room it is here


Gracie said...

Wow, what a beauty! Thanks for sharing, I really must come back to Belgium....
I had finally time to read all your updates while trying to post mine, it's nice to be back.

Photo Cache said...

Palaces and cathedrals are why I so wanted to visit more of Europe.

Worth a Thousand Words

Nelsie (NilC) said...

the architecture and the history that goes with it is simply amazing! beautiful photos as always.

Fun60 said...

I think that looks amazing. So much to admire.

Anonymous said...

It is quite stunning and good to know it is still used.

Liz (Wimpy Fox) said...

Stunning and beautiful town.

Lessandra said...

That is a huge palace! And so many beautiful objects! Thanks for sharing.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Incredible! I am in awe. Can't even begin to know what to focus on in a comment -- so many wonders. Glad you were allowed to take pictures and thank you for sharing this amazing tour.

Joyful said...

Simply superb. It's so big and it's wonderful that the entrance is free. I wish all museums were like that or at least that they all had a free day.

Haddock said...

Like that piano and the revolving stool.

betty-NZ said...

I could spend so much time taking photos of all these beautiful things!! What a great experience you had to see it all and thanks for sharing these fabulous images :)


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I love writing, traveling and photography. . I am German, i live in Waterloo (15 km from Brussels) / Belgium since many years. Waterloo is a famous place to many tourists, because Napoleon lost his battle here against Wellington and other European countries.


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