Tuesday, March 28, 2017


François Mellaerts a business man and his wife bought in 1883, during a public sale, a set of 9 hectar grassland and agricultural land belonging to the Civil Hospitals of Brussels.

At the end of the 19th century, Mellaerts acquired another piece of land in 1898 with two ponds. located not far away, in exchange for its property that it would be integrated into the perimeter of the park of Woluwe then in the realization phase and accessible to the public. The State had to take care of the ponds.

As a good business man, the spouses Mellaerts opened a restaurant at one of the ponds and organized canoeing and pedalo activities on the larger pond. Between 1901 and 1910, however the Boulevard du Souverain was built and separated the Mellaerts property from the park of Woluwe.

A century later, nothing really changed.

I went there to see the season opening of the pedalo and sailing activities. As the weather was very nice lots of people were there, walking through the woods of the park, along and around the ponds, or had a drink and enjoyed the sunshine.

There was quite some traffic on the lake. The houses behind must cost a fortune, they are all mansions.

The very huge mini golf was not yet open, but I thought I have absolutely to go there, because I love mini golf, and this one is well equipped.

A young man helped to set the sail

and then Dad and kids went off

The restaurant of the Mellaerts couple, which has been completely renovated and unfortunately they had refurbished the inside in "zen" mode, all brown and white instead of the beautiful old furniture. Fortunately they didn't touch the outside ! It's a very nice restaurant !

people watching the traffic on the lake in front of an old barn with a self service. Wine in sunshine tastes good as you can see !

The barn, from here the boats or pedalos start

Here you can rent a boat

A pedalo for 4 people, those in front have to pedal !

A picture from 1950

and from today, nothing has really changed.


Lady Fi said...

Lovely spring shots.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

a beautiful park

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place for boating.

colleen said...

Beautiful place. I got a kick out of the suits on paddle boats and wanted to drift on a boat in a pond.

Fun60 said...

A perfect day for going out on the lake.

Photo Cache said...

What a lovely place. Great day trip destination.

Worth a Thousand Words

Ruth said...

The park looks lovely. I enjoy visiting places frequented by the locals. Would like to get in one of those boats.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'll take the back seat in that pedalo thank you.... you can pedal. I usually play mini golf a couple of times during the summers in Eugene (with a bunch of my lady friends).... it isn't as pretty as that one, but we have fun!

That is a beautiful beautiful park. We have to thank people who have money and give back to their community/world.


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The last chapter of a young adventurous woman, hidden in an old grandma's body, living in a castle, a senior residence, where she leads an amusing and interesting life with her cat.


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