Tuesday, April 11, 2017


A bit of history : the first lord of Grand Bigard, Almaric de Bigard, lived here around 1110. Since then, there have been 40 different owners, including several well-known names in Belgian history. Count Ferdinand de Boisschot who left most traces of his stewardship of the castle. He enlarged the existing building and added the chapel in 1640.

In 1902, Raymond Pelgrims de Bigard found himself faced with sadly dilapidated buildings. The entrance was blocked by various farmsteads, the moat was filled with earth. After thirty years of hard work and from these remnants of a glorious past, Raymond Pelgrims de Bigard managed to restore one of Belgium's most prestigious castles. In 2004 the family decided to open the park to the public in April, by organizing one of the largest flower show in Belgium. Since then this event has become a must and helps to maintain this exceptional piece of our heritage.

The spring flower exhibition in the park and the greenhouses of the castle of Grand Bigard (Groot-Bijgaarden) offers an unforgettable flower experience. The park of 14 hectares incorporates nearly all spring bulb varieties. For the new flowering time, the gardeners of the castle have planted by hand more than one million bulbs. Special attention goes to the tulips, with almost 400 varieties, hyacinths and daffodils are also well represented.

I saw Carpets of wild flowers under old trees, a heart of red tulips on the edge of the pond, original flower beds spread in the park. A labyrinth of tulips in the colours of a rainbow and the chapel decorated with orchids. A beautiful flower peacock stands behind the castle.

Come along with me :

The entrance, a long line of people are waiting for their entrance ticket

The castle

surroundings, and even a chicken coop

Flowers everywhere

A heart

The tower

all kind of flower seedlings you could buy

The coach

A well

all kind of tulips

A bridge

A wood with a flower carpet

So many colors !

Even some hunting music

Beautiful flower beds

The peacock


Fun60 said...

Those flowers are a feast for the eyes. With the sunny days we have had recently that was the perfect place to visit.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful flowers, especially the tulips.

Klara said...

lovely. I went there last year. nice shots Gattina.

Lea said...

Beautiful! I could stay there all day admiring everything.
Love the coach. Maybe it is waiting to take Cinderella to the dance to meet her Prince!

Stevenson Q said...

Oh those beautiful flowers! Those tulips look amazing!


Loree said...

The flowers are so beautiful. I cannot imagine planting 1 million bulbs though.

Kay L. Davies said...

What a wonderful blog post, Gattina, and I mean wonder-full, or full of wonders!
I hope you are well. I've been having computer problems (still not solved) and have been remiss in commenting to my blog-friends.
Hugs from here, from both of us! We'll never forget our visit with you.
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Stunning plantings =-- I missed this post earlier somehow. Thank goodness for Feedly which let me know about it~ Those tulips make me smile; I just love Spring flowers, but that is one thing we do not have here in this part of Florida. (Winters are too warm.)


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The last chapter of a young adventurous woman, hidden in an old grandma's body, living in a castle, a senior residence, where she leads an amusing and interesting life with her cat.


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