Tuesday, April 25, 2017


April 25, 2017

Hallerbos – ‘The Blue Forest’ – is located in the surroundings of Brussels. The forest is a favourite attraction, thanks to the beautiful purple carpet of bluebells, which bloom around mid-April. The giant Sequoia trees also make a visit to this forest more than worth it.

It was a sunny day, when I went to the "Blue Forest" to see this wonderful natural blue carpet in this fairy-tale forest.

Each year there is also a Saturday ‘bluebell jogging’. I went in the middle of the week, because I wanted to enjoy the forest quietly.

Until  end of April, every sunny day is fine to experience the magical spring in the wood. Of course you have to stay on the official paths. The bluebells’ leaves are making new flower bulbs right now. Wherever you step on them, there will be no new flower bulb and as a consequence there will be no new plant next year! If you step on forest soil where there aren’t any flowers, this soil gets more dense, and the seeds of the bluebells will not be able to sprout there as the tiny root that comes from this seed in September will not get through the hard soil.

What surprised me that all these flowers didn't smell at all. I put one at my nose or rather my nose on the flower, but it didn't smell at all. Maybe it's better so ! 

These are the pictures I took they speak for themselves !

And at the exit I saw a few horses eating.

If you want to know more about its history it's here

Linking to Our World


Molly said...

So pretty


Loree said...

The woods look so magical with all those bluebells. When my aunt lived in England she lived close to a wood where bluebells use to grow. Right now it is poppy time here. I will try to write about the poppies because they are very pretty and I love them.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those bluebells are simply incredible. What a beautiful place.

Tammy said...

So very beautiful!


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I love writing, traveling and photography. . I am German, i live in Waterloo (15 km from Brussels) / Belgium since many years. Waterloo is a famous place to many tourists, because Napoleon lost his battle here against Wellington and other European countries.


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